Texian Patriot Flag

The chosen emblem that represents our company is a conglomeration of several historical Texas flags. The banner is unique in that its creation was designed by our own Josh Rieder and implemented by William Scott. The design is multifaceted. First, the plain red banner of the Alabama Red Rovers, our primary portrayed group, is at first appearances only a red square, and only recognizable to a handful of historians. Secondly, it was felt that a symbol of what our company wishes to preserve would be better conveyed with the use of several easily recognizable flags. Each flag has its own story and role in the history of Texas. However, each of these flags symbolizes a common theme felt by our organization and is shared by many other Texians’; Freedom, Liberty, Self Reliance, and an intangible sense of preserving and protecting these virtues. Our intent with this banner is to spread the awareness of who Texians’ were, and who Texians’ are today. What’s the difference between a Texan and a Texian? A Texan is anyone who was born or lives in Texas. A Texian is anyone who has the belief and ideal of freedom and liberty. In short a Texian is a patriot. This is why we call this flag the Texian Patriot flag. Flag Design There are four primary flags represented in this design, they are the Dimmit, Alabama Red Rovers, DeZavala and the current Texas Flag. Although it was initially proposed to incorporate additional historic flags, namely the Gonzales’s … Continue reading Texian Patriot Flag